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  • Writer's pictureRachel Matthews

Is it possible for everybody to like me?

I've done a lot of self work on this one and although I'm not always in this place, I'm definitely nearer it than I used to be.

I went away recently on my own for a weekend and I wondered, if the group would like me. Would I be accepted just as I am? Should I try harder to be acceptable?

But instead, I had a word with myself and decided that as long as I was happy with who I was, then that's all I had the power over. If people didn't like me, because of who I am - then that's slightly uncomfortable - but it was also ok.

The most important thing was that I was ok with me.

Are you ok with you? Are you ok that not everybody will like you - no matter what you do?

Do you have peace that you are always trying to be the best version of you? And knowledge that that's enough?

If I can help you journey with this, get in touch.

I totally appreciate it's not an easy concept, but if we can be ourselves more - everything else, should fall in to place a little more easily.


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