Each year, I choose a word to guide me.
I think of it as a coat hanger almost,, to hang my year upon.
Whatever comes my way, I reflect upon my word and consider how it encourages me.
Last year my word was 'go'. I imagined it in every way. Go again... Go get it... Go away... Go on...
This was the year I left my job and set up my private counselling practice. Whenever I was nervous or unsure, I knew that my heart had said to my soul - GO for it - and so I did.
This year. my word is a different one. One that I have wrestled with as it hasn't felt so directive, but I know it's the right one for me.
My word this year is 'presence' which I know will bring it's own wisdom and carry me through the ups and downs of 2023, in an enlightened way.
Rather than make New Year resolutions, can I encourage you to consider what your word may be for this year, to help guide you?
And if you would care to share it... I'd love to know and encourage you too.

Thank you for this brilliant post Rachel. I too have chosen a word. It is “way” - as in psalm 143 (show me the way I should go) and psalm 25 (show me your ways, teach me your paths). Such a comfort to know that Jesus has gone before and he is the way.